Originally posted by Julie Parra at: 90 Day Challenge
I am going to hit a soft spot here, but you really need to think
about this because it is very true.
Remember when you were little and anything was possible? What did
you want to be? A doctor, a fireman, a pro athlete, a rock star, a
teacher… what was it? You remember…
I love watching kids play because their minds have no limitations.
Thinking about this made me ask myself a while back, “Why do so
few people have dreams these days?”
It’s because people are afraid and think, ‘Dreams cost money.’
But dreams are what make us succeed in life.
Dreams are what we all deserve to reach in our lives!
One of the more important values I have found with ViSalus(TM) is how
they stress the importance of living your dreams. The top producers
not only show off what their success has bought them, but even more
they speak of the lifestyles they have achieved and show others how
they too can have the same kind of life. ViSalus is about great
products; it is also simply about HOPE. It’s about inspiring others
to go for their dreams. It is exactly what the name stands for -
impacting life, health, and prosperity around the world.
Too often, I hear people look at something they want and say, “I
can’t afford it.”
How about instead saying, “How can I afford it?”
There are too many dream stealers out there these days. We need to
look out for the people who may innocently say negative things
“You can’t do that!”
“That is too risky.”
“Don’t be silly!”
“If this is such a good idea, why hasn’t someone else done it
“Oh I tried that years ago, let me tell you why that won’t work
for you.”
Empowered people have big dreams that they have every chance to
achieve, while people who are afraid to grab their dreams simply
spend their lives moaning about what they never have. If you want
to change who you are and how you live, begin by changing the size
of your dream.
What is it that you really want?
Why not go for it? You really have nothing to lose!
ViSalus is an opportunity, giving you the vehicle that can take you
down the road to achieving your dreams while providing you with the
fuel to keep you moving toward your destination!
I know you have a dream worth looking at. And it begins here!
When you start your journey as a ViSalus Distributor, you are opening a door to wonderful benefits, no matter how quickly you choose to build your business. For those looking to maximize their potential right out of the gates, we introduce the Rising Star Program, which provides a lifetime of added benefits for Distributors who achieve the rank of Director or above in their first 30 days!
* Earn 3 points in the ViSalus Weekly Enroller’s Pool just for qualifying!
* Earn DOUBLE POINTS every time you qualify in our Weekly Enroller’s Pool… for life!
* Companywide Recognition and a Vi-Net Badge, Rising Star Certificate, and Rising Star Pin.
* Special invitation to a Congratulations & Game Plan Call with ViSalus Founders and Top Ambassadors
How to Achieve the Rank of Director:
* Be an Active Distributor ($125 PQV in Auto-Ship Sales or $200 PQV in Retail Sales per month)
* Have at least 3 Active Legs in your organization
* Have at least $2,000 GQV/month
Achieve this position in your first 30 days (from your enrollment date) and join the Rising Star Program!
Get started with ViSalus today and you could be a Rising Star!
Congratulations to our newest Rising Stars!
Special January Opportunity for Existing Distributors!
Achieve the Rank of Director for the first time in the month of January.
If you are already a Director or above, qualify* at least one time in the Weekly Enroller’s Pool in the month of January.
*Qualify in the Weekly Enroller’s Pool either by enrolling 3 New Associates OR by acquiring 3 New Preferred Customers (minimum $500 QV, you must have enrolled with an Executive Success System
Originally posted by Agnes Vigh at: Visalus Sciences
Its critical to be in front of the trends in business. Those who stay ahead of the curve make incredible gains, while those who catch up later – well, never really catch up!
Let’s be real
People who are bored want = to have fun
People who are lonely want = to meet others
People feeling older want = to feel younger
People getting larger want = to get smaller
People who are broke want = money
People who are struggling want = solutions
FACT: The population is expanding around us at an average rate of
149,000 people per day, yet most adults say they only have two
people they can talk to about the most important subjects in their
lives? How many people do you have?
FACT: For the first time in history, the average life expectancy of
this generation is estimated to be shorter than the last. How is
this possible?
FACT: These days many of us are investing a greater number of hours
into our careers, but feeling more financial uncertainty than ever
before. 53% of working Americans say they’ve had to change jobs to
maintain an income that meets their basic needs.
Did anybody think that gas prices would almost double within a
year? That the real-estate bubble would burst, sending millions of
Americans into foreclosure? Truth is, it’s hard to focus on
priorities like relationships and health, when so many of us are
just treading water to stay afloat
Many people have had enough. And when enough people really WANT
something, opportunity is born and a TREND is created.
So what are three of the fastest growing global trends today?
1. Social Networking. Where did we used to go to find like minded
people? Our neighborhood, friends of friends, out on the town,
etc. Today we go to one big place – the internet! Nielsen/Net
Ratings reports that already “57% of the American population
belongs to a social network.” And one in four people blog 10 plus
hours a week and spend three times as much time online as watching
2. Health and Wellness. According to leading economist Paul Zane
Pilzer, the wellness industry is “the next trillion dollar
industry.” Boomers are leading the transitions, but all kinds of
different paradigms across the globe are shifting, from
pharmaceutical to nutraceutical, from reactive health treatments to
proactive prevention.
3.Direct Selling/Home Based Business Sector. The DSA states that “…the direct
selling business is a $110 billion dollar industry and growing…we’re in the middle of a boom in home-based businesses.”
Why am I telling you all this?
Because ViSalus Sciences®, is the only company in history that allows people like you
and me to leverage three of the fastest growing global trends to
improve your life, health and prosperity.
ViSalus™ is a community assembled around shared values. In addition
to offering superior health products and financial rewards, ViSalus
created a revolutionary online social media platform – Vi-Net!
What is Vi-Net?
Go to my website and take a free tour and you will get the idea.
While you’re there, sign up for a free guest account and check out
all the great features Vi-Net has to offer.
Originally posted by Melanie Milletics at: Visalus Sciences
Originally Posted on Monday August 31, 2009 on Vi-Net
David Colister here, Vice President of Field Operations and Overseer of the ViSalus Sciences Faith-Based Initiative. Recently, the company commissioned me to help distributors reach and work with the faith-based community, particularly leaders of churches, missions, authors, etc. I want to make some resources immediately available to you that will dramatically increase your impact on the health of Americans, as well as impact your personal income by working closely with, and funding, ministries.
If you know ministers (pastors, teachers, authors, missionaries, etc.) we want to help you create a healthy and profitable ViSalus relationship with that minister. In the U.S., the faith-based community is the proven leader in terms of market penetration for networkers.
Relating our products and opportunity to those in the ministry requires a marketing different approach than those used for other types of prospective customers and/or distributors. Optimizing a ministry’s customer and distributor acquisition also requires (for IRS and other considerations) a different administrative process for the distributor and ministry.
We are rapidly creating resources for your use in marketing to and servicing ministries. Below are some resources already available:
Any ordained or licensed (usually support personnel are licensed, not ordained) minister may take advantage of this free Basic Enrollment. There is currently no online process for this. Simply have the minister complete the distributor application in full (minus payment information) and fax it to the number at the top of the application (877-547-1570). In order for this to be properly processed, please include at the top of the application “Attn: Zorica, Faith-Based Initiative”. The minister will also need to include a copy of his or her ordination or ministry license with the fax.
This is a 24-hour-a-day recorded message designed to introduce the heart and mission of the ViSalus Faith-Based Initiative to someone in the ministry (pastor, ministry staff, etc.). Simply 3-way or have the minister (or interested party) call the number and give the Access Code (below) and pount sign “#” when prompted:
Minister’s Sizzle Call:
Call: 616-712-8099
Enter Access Code: 1082449# (when prompted)
Hosted by David Colister
This live, interactive conference call takes place every Monday morning at 9 a.m. Pacific Time (Noon Eastern Time). The call is hosted by David Colister, ViSalus VP of Field Operations. David is a 27-year network marketing veteran and 30-year ministry veteran. His initiatives have created over $3 billion in revenue through the faith-based community, creating wealth for the ministry organizations, the minister’s family, distributors, and companies. His expertise as a minister, network marketer, and direct selling corporate executive and consultant make him the perfect voice to head up this initiative for ViSalus. In you want to help ministries prosper while positively impacting the health and wellness of their members, not only will you want to get every minister you know on the call, but you’ll want to be on it every week to learn the nuances of David’s messaging to those in the faith-based community.
Every Monday Morning
9 a.m. Pacific Time (10-Mountain, 11-Central, 12-Eastern)
Call: 218-844-8230
Enter Access Code: 407278# (when prompted)
(Approximate call length: 25 minutes, not including Q&A)
To listen to a recording of that week’s call (24/7), please call: 218-844-8799 (Use code: 407278#)
This training call is for ViSalus distributors (ONLY) who want to master the art and science of engaging ministers and ministries for ViSalus. Talk about highly-influential people! The median size of a congregation is approximately 100 members. So the warm market of pastors is almost 10 times the size of the average person. Add to this that nearly all pastors know dozens, if not hundreds, of other pastors! Mix in mega churches and parachurch organizations and you have a warm market of over 150 million Americans (over 50% of the U.S. population)! The mission, message, and methods required to optimize your faith-based initiative impact are the most important things discussed on this interactive call. Again, this training call is NOT for visitors! Only active ViSalus distributors should be on this powerful time of training and leadership interaction.
Faith-Based Initiative Training Call:
Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month: (September: 14th and 28th)
Time: 1 p.m. Pacific Time (2-Mountain, 3-Central, 4-Eastern)
Call (Distributors ONLY): 712-432-0800
Use Access Code (when prompted): 998228#
To learn more email me, David Colister at dcolister@visalus.com or faith@visalus.com
Originally posted by Agnes Vigh at: Faith-Based Community