There is a saying that goes something like "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result". Have you heard this saying and 'blown it off'? Take a minute to think about it, truly...
Watch the video here : Network Marketing and Personal Development are intrinsically linked.
Are there areas of your life that you are unhappy with, but you have done nothing at all to change them?
How are you doing financially? If your answer if 'struggling', then what are you doing to change the situation? Are you simply living under the stress and hoping something will change??? Thats insanity...
You really will have to get out of your 'comfort zone' and do work you have never done before if you want to improve your financial situation. Yes, I said it takes WORK. Work under the mentorship of successful people who have gone before you. People who can tell you exactly how to make the money you need to make to change your financial picture for the better!
Are you overweight, or out of shape and really unhappy with your looks?
What have you done to change that? Seriously?
Have you considered that what and how much you are eating could be contributing to the mess you find yourself in? Most people do not eat right, and thats why a full 7 out of 10 Americans have at least 15 lbs of weight to lose!
Do you feel vibrant and strong? No? Well, what have you been doing to change that? Are you active? Our bodies were made to MOVE! We are designed for work that we no longer do... how do you keep your body strong and healthy?
Please, don't let your answer to the two questions above be 'gone to the doctor'. That is not a solution. The doctor will only treat the symptoms of the disease you have brought upon yourself... and which you can relieve yourself of too!
Resolve now to eat better and become more active. You will undergo a transformation that will overflow into so many areas of your life!
If you can commit to getting healthy, you can commit to being successful in other areas as well.
Just the same way as you check off 'complete my workout' from your to-do list, you can check off the tasks that will help you to succeed in your business.
If you have been living a less than vibrant life, get started as a ViSalus rep today and dive into the personal development training that is included in your training. You have a full library from Success Magazine available to you!
Personal development is crucial to your making a change in your life - plug in to win!
Click on the banner below to learn more about the Visalus Body by Vi Challenge now!
Originally posted at: ViSalus Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge