Thursday, November 5, 2009

When Does a “Challenge” Become a Habit? Body By Vi Changes Lives

In undertaking the ViSalus 90 Day Body By Vi Challenge, I expected to undergo changes. Changes to my weight, my body shape, my cardiovascular health and strength. But one thing I hadn’t expected was that the “Challenge” that I had begun would become a HABIT that I am unlikely to break for YEARS to come.

I have always done regular exercise 3 or 4 times a week. I prided myself in being ‘pretty fit for a mom of 2′. I wasn’t overweight by any standard formula… but I knew what I weighed before I had baby #2. I knew it was possible- but had no real reason to push to lose those last pounds and inches… Until the Challenge.

As part of my Challenge I made the decision to work out a full 5x per week and increase the amount of weight training in my exercise regimen.

If you look at the earlier posts on this blog, you will see that I was incredibly excited to take on the Challenge, and I blogged and took abundant videos. It was exciting to spend this time on ME and my Transformation. I wanted to document this journey from beginning to end. But about a month into the Challenge what I was doing stopped being new and exciting and became the ‘norm’. It became a part of my everyday life – a Habit.

I think ViSalus Sciences knows that the Challenge will result in really healthy habits for YOU. Ones that will improve the quality of your life, and ultimately increase your longevity.

My new habit is to hit the gym at least 5x a week. To hit the weights at least 2x a week and incorporate sculpting into my workouts most other days. On days that I don’t hit the gym, I am cognizant of the fact that I haven’t exercised. My muscles feel different, like they want to MOVE. I find myself dropping to do push ups, sit ups and dips in my living room. I lace up my running shoes and head out the door. My habit is a STRONG, energetic body. I sleep incredibly well and feel fantastic. I am a better ME. The Challenge has made me a better me!

Others who have joined me on the Challenge have spoken about other healthy habits that have formed since beginning their challenge, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

You see, the Challenge is as individual as the people who will embark on it. As you look at the before pictures and goals of the thousands of people who have undergone the Challenge in the ViNet, you will see every health goal imaginable. There are people who have goals to lose 60 pounds, drop their cholesterol levels, lower their blood pressure, manage their diabetes and more. There are also incredibly fit people who have goals to lower their BMI or do a couple of triathlons. There is incredible variation in the goals – but a common thread of determination runs through the posted pictures, videos and blogs. They have the strength of an entire community behind their health goals, and because they are plugged into the ViNet community they are far more likely to achieve those goals than if they were to try to move forward on their own.

The support of the “Body By Vi Challengers” goes beyond that of the other people on the Challenge in the ViNet. ViSalus also has a Body By Vi Facebook Application so that people can ask their own friends and family to support them in their health goals. With their goals posted and their update photos up for all to see, they are far more likely to stick to the Challenge. If everyone is watching, its the ultimate accountability!

Gratitude abounds for the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge and the healthy habits it will help people to instill all across this nation.

What are you willing to take on as a Challenge, that will ultimately become a habit? Post your intentions in the comments below.

Click on the banner below to learn more about the Visalus Body by Vi Challenge now!
challenge banner

Originally posted by Melanie Milletics at:Body By Vi

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