Monday, December 14, 2009

Exercise Keeps You On Top Of Your Game ~ And It Keeps Me Sane!

Exercise keeps me on top of my game. Keeps my mind sharp, helps me to stay in good health and good spirits. In fact, I think I might just crawl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep if it wasn’t for my regular endorphin rush. Sound a little extreme? Well, this is my personal blog – and I can give you my personal experience, right?

This healthy addiction to exercise began at around age 16 with a desire to be fit and beautiful ~ as most young women strive to be. Thankfully I really liked food, so starving myself was never part of my regimen. Instead I studied healthy eating and began to exercise regularly. At 18 I would drive over to Philadelphia to go into the dance clubs and dance from the time they played the first song to close. I’d dance for 4 or 5 hours straight ~ drinking nothing but ice water and riding the endorphin rush.
Sound wacky? Don’t care ~ this is MY reality.

Throughout college I kept sane by hitting the gym a few times a week, and hitting the trails behind the campus. I know these workouts helped to keep me from gaining a ridiculous amount of weight – cause remember… I like to eat!

There is a good correlation between those who regularly exercise and a healthy diet as well. If you are hitting the gym and running, you KNOW you must fuel your body properly. You feel absolutely horrid otherwise.

So fast forward to Mom of two and gonna be 35 in just a few hours… and I can tell you that if it wasn’t for my workouts I would not be where I am today! I’m home, self employed, living life by design.

Today, I head to the gym 4 or 5 mornings a week to do some sort of fun exercise like Zumba, kickboxing, and even the not so fun womens strength training. I often head in there with racing mind and a body that is holding onto the stress of the day before. By the time I am halfway through I feel the endorphins flood in, and the happy thoughts begin to flow. The creative problem solving part of my mind kicks in and divine inspiration begins to download into an open, happy mind. Some of my most profitable ideas were conceived while in the middle of a Zumba class … who woulda thought?

I’m still dancing…

If I sit in front of my computer, my mind and creativity begins to stagnate. If I workout, I return to work enthusiastic about the task at hand.

My point of this long, personal post about why I simply must workout, or my life falls apart???
To inspire you ~
If you feel that the words ’stagnate, blue, depressed, bored, or unhealthy’ resonate with you and your current lifestyle ~ try incorporating some exercise into your life.

The human body is not at all designed to sit ~ to be lazy. It is meant to move and do physical work. Our entire physiology was created in such a way that if we do gentle exercise and eat healthily, we can live an optimum life.

If you know you are on the other extreme, start with moving some – on a regular basis. If you are eating junk ~ its because your mind really craves the endorphin rush and you are getting it from the foods you are eating. If you give it the endorphins in a regular workout – you can begin to SHIFT your diet to one that will actually add years to your life, instead of killing you slowly.

Why do I care? Because I truly do want to see all people fit, healthy and happy – as we were designed. Your potential really is squashed if you aren’t exercising – and you were designed for greatness.

Hey, its almost my birthday. Give me a present and tell me you have committed to getting in shape. You don’t have to be like I was at 18… dancing hours on end. But commit to something. Cause You Love You :)

Originally posted by Melanie Milletics at: Strength training

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